NATIONAL HARBOR, MARYLAND (UNF NEWS) – Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump delivered remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Saturday evening where he spoke about the proposals and his vision for his nomination and general election.
“Our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them, they know that we can defeat them. They know that we will defeat them, but they’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you and I’m just standing in their way.”, President Donald J. Trump said. President Donald J. Trump told the crowd that he is their warrior, their justice, and for American’s who feel that they have been wronged and betrayed that he is their retribution.
President Donald J. Trump also told the crowd that he will demolish the deep state, expel the warmongers, drive out globalists, cast out communists and beat the Democrats and evict Joe Biden from the White House. These comments drew a raucous applause from the audience at the event. Attendees waited the entire day, Saturday to hear from President Donald J. Trump. When President Donald J. Trump was finished speaking, the crowd stood up and applauded, Trump stayed for a minute waving to the crowd and thanking them for attending his speech, then departed behind the curtain of the stage.