WASHINGTON, DC (UNF NEWS) – Detectives from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division and Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Washington Field Division seek the public’s assistance in identifying suspects and a vehicle in reference to Destruction of Property offenses that occurred in Washington, DC, United States on Sunday, July 2, 2023. At approximately 4:36 am, the suspect detonated an explosive device on the sidewalk in front of the doors at the Nike Store located in the 700 block of H Street, Northeast, then fled the scene in a vehicle. The explosive device caused damage to the location. At approximately 4:45 am, the suspect threw a Molotov cocktail style object at the Safeway store located in the 300 block of 40th Street, Northeast then fled the scene in a vehicle. The Molotov cocktail caused damage. At approximately 4:30 am, the suspect detonated an explosive device on the sidewalk outside of the ATM at the Truist Bank located in the 2300 block of Washington Place, Northeast then fled the scene in a vehicle. The explosive device caused damage. In each of these offenses, it appears the suspect targeted commercial establishments and it does not appear the suspect was targeting any members of the public. The establishments were closed at the time of the offenses. There were no reported injuries as a result of these offenses.

By Kyle Mazza

I have photographed and reported on several concerts, galas, press conferences and special events since I was 8-years-old. I am the holder of a New York City Press Credential, Maryland State Press Credential and White House Press Credentials. I cover President Joe Biden, covered Former President Donald J. Trump and at other times candidates for President including then Former Vice President Joe Biden while he campaigned, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren and others. I took part in overseas trips with Former President Trump as part of the White House Traveling Press. I have also covered Former President Barack Obama and Former First Lady Michelle Obama. I have covered events in Canada including events with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau such as the Visit of Vice President Mike Pence and Prime Minister Trudeau in Ottawa and other high-profile events such as the Open Government Partnership and the 2020 Presidential Debate with Former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald J. Trump in Nashville, Tennessee and the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate with Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have covered several entertainment and red carpet events including the 2016 iHeartRadio Jingle Ball in Philadelphia, PA, Washington, DC and the Z100 JingleBall Announcement Event with Daya and Charlie Puth in New York, NY in 2016. I have also covered two Miss America Pageant's and Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve With Ryan Seacrest 2020 in New York, NY. Other notable events that I have covered include the Democratic National Convention in 2016 and the Visit of Pope Francis to New York, NY in 2015. Follow me on Twitter @KyleMazzaWUNF and on Instagram @KyleMazzaWUNF.