FAIR LAWN, NEW JERSEY (UNF NEWS) – Fair Lawn hosted a Holocaust Remembrance event at the Fair Lawn Public Library, Sunday, April 23, 2023. Positioned in the main lobby, Fair Lawn Police were securing the event making it welcoming and safe for all attendees. At 1:24 PM EST, Mayor of Fair Lawn Kurt Peluso walked through the doors of the Fair Lawn Public Library and greeted members of the community and officers from the Fair Lawn Police Department. Mayor Peluso remained downstairs conversing, and as the Mayor conversed, at 1:28 PM EST, Assemblywoman Lisa Swain walked in through the main doors. The Assemblywoman greeted community members, Bergen County Commissioners then entered the library and everyone proceeded to walk up the stairs to the event. The room was filled to capacity. An overflow room was established with a livestream of the event. Remarks began at approximately 1:42 PM EST with Holocaust Educator Neil Garfinkle, Mayor of Fair Lawn Kurt Peluso, Assemblywoman Lisa Swain, Tracy Zur, Mary Amoroso and Germaine Ortiz who are the Bergen County Commissioners. Paul Gorski, High School Principal and Nick Norcia, Superintendent of Schools also delivered remarks to the audience at the program. At 2:05 PM EST, the candle lighting ceremony commenced with Faigy Gilder lighting the candles. Fair Lawn students Matt Vares and Nathan Furman played instrumental music to the audience while the candles were being lit. Attendees who were unable to be in the main room, watched the event via livestream on a television screen.